Retrovirus pandemic reporting often lacking details

 Retrovirus pandemics reportings-  often  lacking details.

 The  5 last  major  pandemics-swine or Spanish flu, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Sars and currently the Corona, are all caused by retroviruses. Yet the reports from our politicians, news reporters, even the medical profession often  fail to include  the term or how these retroviruses produce their pandemics.  

From a Wikipedia  search we read that  retroviruses are  RNA viruses that have the ability to insert a copy of their own  RNA genome into the DNA genome of a host cell that they invade . To do this amazing genetic inversion process, retroviruses  use their own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce a DNA copy of their own RNA genome . This new retroviral DNA- called a provirus–  is then incorporated into the host cell DNA genome with an integrate enzyme. The host cell then treats the viral DNA as part  of its own genome ! -first transcribing it into RNA and then  translating the viral genes along with the cells own genes-to a peptide: following  the Francis Crick model which every student learned in their high school biology class.:namely: DNA-to RNA-to one peptide.

Epidemiologists should be reminding the public that  before a RNA virus can do this conversion it must  first gain entrance into the human cell cytoplasm- with  the target host cell being theT4 thymus (helper ) cell. A similar process of integration occurs in bacteria except that here the -provirus  is called a bacteriophage.Look up: Wikipedia- retroviruses.

Molecular  biologists quickly realized that retroviruses could be useful tools in adding new genes to the human DNA genome althoughthey do run the risk of potentially creating new retrovirus pathogens.  Dr. Leonard Horowitz In his textbook Emerging Viruses  AIDS & Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional ?, details some of these  possibilities and possible dangers. 

Since this process is permanent it might also be wise  for reporters to stress not to use blood  and other body fluids from such individuals for transfusions and other exchanges.

Updates for the Covid-19 when there is no vaccine

There are 2 obvious strategies available for Covid-19 to prevent pandemics when we don’t have a vaccine

  1. Prevent the virus from entering the cell- for this virus its the CT4 lymphocyte cells of the host.
  2. ART medical treatment as used for HIV – to prevent AIDS.You prevent the virus from using its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce copies of its active RNA retrovirus virus For details see link <. >

Note: I have already briefly mention these 2 procedures in my introductory remarks- prior blog.

Prevent cell penetration

  • protein coat of virus
  • use of time lapse cine photomicrography Like the Sage time lapse unit which I have used

ART medical treatment still the only treatment available since we still don’t have a vaccine for HIV- The treatment reduces the level of the virus in the patient so  they no longer have AIDS- Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  and/or   cannot transmit infection to partners.

What the specialists don’t tell us about Covid-19 pandemic

For the past several months we all have  heard and watched on our TVs  from our health experts the same repetitive,  boring – and sometimes even  rather simplistic  statements- of  the different ways to stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. I relate my feelings to  my  broad and varied academic training and vocations-16 years attendance at Canadian universities  getting my 4 academic degrees- B.Sc.Hons Biology from U of Manitoba in 1949,  M.Sc in biochemistry from U of Alberta in 1952, Ph.D in Plant Pathology and Cytogenetics from U. of Toronto in1955, and an MD in medicine from U of Manitoba in 1960. Regarding vocations I first worked for 7 years as a plant pathologist with the Canad. Dept. of Agriculture, then on returning to Manitoba  I graduated from medicine in 1960, did  cancer Research in Saskatoon for 4 years, 3 years setting up and directing Winnipeg Clinic Research Institute Lab followed by medical practice in Winnipeg  for 35 years  I was also a medical officer with the Workers compensation of Manitoba for  8  of those 35 years. I also  set up and directed 2 private Research labs- one at the Winnipeg Clinic in 1965-68 and my own private research lab called the Kildonan Institute of Gerontology in 1974 . After retiring from medicine in the mid 1990’s I also closed my private Research lab and devoted most of my spare time  informing the public about various health issues using different educational tools including a blog and a website. I am in relative good health and will turn  93 in June 2020 -but  lets get to the topic of the Covid-19 pandemic.

First a few  general statements re  RNA retroviral  infections 

  1. The  epidemics/pandemics of Spanish flu,Ebola, HIV/AIDS, SARS, and now COVID-19 are all caused by the same group of viruses namely -the  RNA retroviruses-  One would expect that they would all have some features in common.- and  they certainly do. For an introduction to retroviruses. -indeed Virology 101, I recommend this   link   Retrovirus < Our specialists never tell us to review and compare these retroviruses/pandemics  that way.

 2  Also since The HIV Life Cycle-AIDS  is the most extensively  studied RNA retrovirus pandemic and is the longest persisting pandemic- especially  still prevalent in Africa, I would recommend that the reader use this RNA retrovirus to search for details on  Covid-19  This link also details one of the major complications- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  or AIDS.  This syndrome  develops because  after the HIV virus enters the host cell  – specifically the  CT4 helper lymphocytes-its transcriptase enzyme  directs the host DNA genome to make copies of the  HIV virus- and presumably all the other RNA retrovirus – including Covid-19 . When the  cytoplasm of these  special lymphocytes become engorged with newly formed RNA virus copies they die releasing the viruses which can repeat the process of invading new cells  The ability of the host to function immunologically and/or their  death of these special lymphocytes or reducing their blood levels to 200/ml or less.  (The normal blood level of the CT4 lymphocyte is between 500-1500 /ml). When these low levels are reached we say the person now has AIDS- acquired immune deficiency syndrome . The most common signs  of syndrome includes weight Karposi cancer (sarcoma) and non specific pneumonia leading to death.   By coincidence doctors have recently reported  that children with Covid-19 were developing   vascular lesions  resulting in strokes and deaths while others were developing unusual skin lesions-Could either of these conditions be suggestive of HIV  symptoms  of AIDS . 

This link also  details the history of how scientists after studying the   pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS  developed a specific medical  treatment-not a vaccine  called  ART -anti retroviral treatment  which gave the HIV  victims a new life from not dying prematurally. Imagine the joy and relief of these emaciated AIDS  victims finding that the virus no longer could be demonstrated in their biological fluids and that they would therefore not transmit  HIV but more importantly they could even live a normal full life expectancy  . Again our health specialists fail to tell the public about this unique special medical treatment. 

they reduce the target lymphocytes which the retrovirus invades and grows-  are the  CT4 helper lymphocytes- these  blood cells drop to such low levels that they loose their ability to assist in  the production of antibodies- The result is that the victims usually die die from acquired immunity deficiency syndrome. By coincidence doctors have recently reported  that children with Covid-19 were developing   vascular lesions  resulting in strokes and deaths while others were developing unusual skin lesions-Could either of these conditions be suggestive of HIV  symptoms  of AIDS . 

-This link also  details the history of how scientists after studying the   pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS  developed a specific medical  treatment-not a vaccine  called  ART -anti retroviral treatment  which gave the HIV  victims a new life from not dying prematurally. Imagine the joy and relief of these emaciated AIDS  victims finding that the virus no longer could be demonstrated in their biological fluids and that they would therefore not transmit the HIV but more importantly could even live a normal full life expectancy  . Again our health specialists fail to tell the public about this unique special medical treatment. 

3  Probably most importantly the Specialists failed to mention the fact  that RNA retrovirus must first enter the host cell before they can begin their division and growth No host cell wall penetration no viral growth no pandemic! Theyonly stress the 2 meter avoidance and also to wash their hands to prevent infection.

4. I would also recommend to your readers to  check 2 other links:

 <> < >  In these 2 links  the scientists   interviewed explain why some patients with Covid-19  may have oxygen saturation levels of 70% or less and yet do not exhibit  clinical features of hypoxia. This raises the question should they be put on ventolaters- a procedure normally started when the O2 saturation level drops  below 90%- raising the dilemma of whether we should treat the clinical findings of the patient or the test. According to the interview of this website the ER physician  was removed from the ward  and returned to the ER when he refused to intubate such patients with low O2 saturation and no clinical symptoms of hypoxia.. This issue that maybe  doctors should treat the patient and not the test also was not mentioned/considered by specialists.

5. Since all of these RNA retroviruses  have the same unique property namely of directing the host DNA to make copies of the virus  RNA. and that this RNA then becomes transcribed into  part of the host DNA genome !. This raises a very fundamental question : Should  individuals after recovery from  COVID-19  and presumably still have their RNA virus as part of the host DNA should ever give blood for transfusions  and/or plasma. An issue -to my knowledge.Never mentioned or discussed.

6 Regarding development of a specific vaccine.Specialists should warn the public that some procedures used in making vaccines  incorporate parts of living virus particles that accidentally  could create potentially new viral pathogens –Thisisnever discussed and/or even mentioned by our specialists .

Covid-19 What specialists rarely tell the public

copy of one of my pages documents

For the past several months we all have heard and watched on our
TVs from our health experts the same repetitive, boring – and
sometimes even rather simplistic statements- of the different ways
to stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. I relate my feelings to
my broad and varied academic training and vocations-16 years
attendance at Canadian universities getting my 4 academic degrees-
B.Sc.Hons Biology from U of Manitoba in 1949, M.Sc in biochemistry
from U of Alberta in 1952, Ph.D in Plant Pathology and Cytogenetics
from U. of Toronto in1955, and an MD in medicine from U of Manitoba
in 1960. Regarding vocations I first worked for 7 years as a plant
pathologist with the Canad. Dept. of Agriculture, then on returning to
Manitoba I graduated from medicine in 1960, did cancer Research in
Saskatoon for 4 years, 3 years setting up and directing Winnipeg
Clinic Research Institute Lab followed by medical practice in
Winnipeg for 35 years I was also a medical officer with the Workers
compensation of Manitoba for 8 of those 35 years. I also set up and
directed 2 private Research labs- one at the Winnipeg Clinic in
1965-68 and my own private research lab called the Kildonan Institute
of Gerontology in 1974 . After retiring from medicine in the mid 1990’s
I also closed my private Research lab and devoted most of my spare
time informing the public about various health issues using different
educational tools including a blog and a website. I am in relative good
health and will turn 93 in June 2020 -but lets get to the topic of the
Covid-19 pandemic.
First a few general statements re RNA retroviral infections
1. The epidemics/pandemics of Spanish flu,Ebola, HIV/AIDS, SARS,
and now COVID-19 are all caused by the same group of viruses
namely -the RNA retroviruses- One would expect that they would
all have some features in common.- and they certainly do. For an
introduction to retroviruses. -indeed Virology 101, I recommend
this link Retrovirus < Our specialists never tell
us to review and compare these retroviruses/pandemics that way.
2 Also since The HIV Life Cycle-AIDS is the most extensively
studied RNA retrovirus pandemic and is the longest persisting
pandemic- especially still prevalent in Africa, I would recommend
that the reader use this RNA retrovirus to search for details on
Covid-19 This link also details one of the major complications-
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. This syndrome
develops because after the HIV virus enters the host cell –
specifically the CT4 helper lymphocytes-its transcriptase enzyme
directs the host DNA genome to make copies of the HIV virus- and
presumably all the other RNA retrovirus – including Covid-19 . When
the cytoplasm of these special lymphocytes become engorged with
newly formed RNA virus copies they die releasing the viruses which
can repeat the process of invading new cells The ability of the host to
function immunologically and/or their death of these special
lymphocytes or reducing their blood levels to 200/ml or less. (The
normal blood level of the CT4 lymphocyte is between 500-1500 /ml).
When these low levels are reached we say the person now has AIDSacquired
immune deficiency syndrome . The most common signs of
syndrome includes weight Karposi cancer (sarcoma) and non specific
pneumonia leading to death. By coincidence doctors have recently
reported that children with Covid-19 were developing vascular
lesions resulting in strokes and deaths while others were developing
unusual skin lesions-Could either of these conditions be suggestive of
HIV symptoms of AIDS .
This link also details the history of how scientists after studying the
pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS developed a specific medical treatmentnot
a vaccine called ART -anti retroviral treatment which gave the
HIV victims a new life from not dying prematurally. Imagine the joy
and relief of these emaciated AIDS victims finding that the virus no
longer could be demonstrated in their biological fluids and that they
would therefore not transmit HIV but more importantly they could
even live a normal full life expectancy . Again our health specialists
fail to tell the public about this unique special medical treatment.
they reduce the target lymphocytes which the retrovirus invades and
grows- are the CT4 helper lymphocytes- these blood cells drop to
such low levels that they loose their ability to assist in the production
of antibodies- The result is that the victims usually die die from
acquired immunity deficiency syndrome. By coincidence doctors have
recently reported that children with Covid-19 were developing
vascular lesions resulting in strokes and deaths while others were
developing unusual skin lesions-Could either of these conditions be
suggestive of HIV symptoms of AIDS .
-This link also details the history of how scientists after studying the
pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS developed a specific medical treatmentnot
a vaccine called ART -anti retroviral treatment which gave the
HIV victims a new life from not dying prematurally. Imagine the joy
and relief of these emaciated AIDS victims finding that the virus no
longer could be demonstrated in their biological fluids and that they
would therefore not transmit the HIV but more importantly could even
live a normal full life expectancy . Again our health specialists fail to
tell the public about this unique special medical treatment.
3 Probably most importantly the Specialists failed to mention the fact
that RNA retrovirus must first enter the host cell before they can
begin their division and growth No host cell wall penetration no viral
growth no pandemic! They only stress the 2 meter avoidance and also
to wash their hands to prevent infection.
4. I would also recommend to your readers to check 2 other links:> < > In these 2 links the scientists
interviewed explain why some patients with Covid-19 may have
oxygen saturation levels of 70% or less and yet do not exhibit clinical
features of hypoxia. This raises the question should they be put on
ventolaters- a procedure normally started when the O2 saturation
level drops below 90%- raising the dilemma of whether we should
treat the clinical findings of the patient or the test. According to the
interview of this website the ER physician was removed from the
ward and returned to the ER when he refused to intubate such
patients with low O2 saturation and no clinical symptoms of hypoxia..
This issue that maybe doctors should treat the patient and not the
test also was not mentioned/considered by specialists.
5. Since all of these RNA retroviruses have the same unique property
namely of directing the host DNA to make copies of the virus RNA
and then this RNA becomes transcribed into part of the host DNA
genome !. This raises a very fundamental question : Should
individuals after recovery from COVID-19 and presumably still have
their RNA virus as part of the host DNA genome should ever give
blood for transfusions and/or plasma. An issue -to my knowledge
also never mentioned or discussed.
6 Regarding development of a specific vaccine.Specialists should
also warn the public that some procedures used in making vaccines
incorporate parts of living virus particles that accidentally could
create potentially new viral pathogens -This is never discussed and/or
even mentioned by our specialists .

Protection against retrovirus -cell wall penetration or vaccines

We are currently experiencing an epidemic- possibly even a pandemic- caused by the Corona retrovirus infection. Our scientists are busily working in their labs and countries budgeting for multibillions of dollars on developing a specific vaccine. Since it is generally agreed among the viral microbiologists that before such RNA viruses can produce their diseases they first must gain entrance into the host(human ) cells – specifically the T4 helper lymphocytes ,maybe these world wide research labs should be concentrating on this simplistic approach to prevention were you don’t need expensive equipment- including human subjects. for testing – just a few `microscopes equipped with phase contrast microscopy and time lapse cinephotomicrophy. The scientists need only special training in microscopy and tissue culture techniques-training I already possessed- see the summary below..

After completing a doctorate in Plant Pathology and cytogenetics at the U of Toronto in 1955 and an MD degree at U. of Manitoba in 1960 and 4 years of training in tissue culture methodology in the Department of Cancer Research with the U. of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon I was invited in 1965 to help the Winnipeg Clinic set up a tissue culture laboratory at their large private clinic in Winnipeg. We purchases a special Time lapse unit called a Sage Cinephotomicrographic apparatus. which enabled us to observe and record on movie film the behaviour of various living cells-.We were especially interested in the behaviour of various blood cells and the role they played in the homograft rejection section .In the Dec 06,1966 issue of the Medical Post, Gene Telpher detailed the status of the lab.

In the summer of 1968 the Winnipeg Clinic decided to dissolve their research lab and to donate the equipment to the U.of Manitoba medical school -specifically the Dept of Anatomy. When I was unable to find employment in medical research I began medical practice in 1969 . In 1974 I set up my own private research lab to study aging at the cellular level. When I found that the equipment which had been donated to the Dept of Anatomy was just “gathering dust” I arranged to borrow it- specifically the Sage time lapse unit and the Reichert micro photometer.. For the next 15 years while in active practice I would spent my “spare time “. obtaining footage of the behaviour of lymphocytes in blood culture. I mainly used – hanging drop” blood culture on specimens which were grown in blood culture with most experiments cultured from a few hours to several days.- In the late 1980’s and early 90’s when the level 4 Microbiology lab in Winnipeg under the direction of Dr. Frank Plummer,were doing studies on the retrovirus HIV/AIDS -he was interested in his observation that the sex workers in Kenya had developed an immunity to becoming infected. I mentioned in the opening paragraph of this post that one of the prerequisites of becoming infected is that these retroviruses first have to penetrate the host cell and be present in the cytoplasm before the RNA virus can instruct the host DNA to reproduce copies of the RNA virus that maybe this Sage photograph unit might become in useful in how these sex women are protected from becoming infected from AIDS infections..-Maybe one does not need to develop a vaccine. .

Retrovirus pandemic reporting often lacking details

According to Wikipedia- – retroviruses are  RNA viruses that have the ability to insert a copy of their own  RNA genome into the DNA genome of a host cell that they invade . To do this amazing genetic inversion process, retroviruses  use their own reverse transcriptase enzyme to instruct the host to produce a DNA copy of their own RNA genome . This new retroviral DNA- called a provirus–  is then incorporated into the host cell DNA genome with an integrase enzyme. The host cell then treats this viral DNA as part  of its own genome transcribing it into RNA and then  translating the viral genes along with the host cells own genes-into  peptides following  the Francis Crick model which every student learned in their high school biology class.:namely: first its DNA-to RNA-then this RNA into peptide.  With the HIV retrovirus pandemic this genetic process became uncontrolled filling the host cytoplasm of the targeted T4 host lymphocytes or helper cells  with copies of its RNA which then  reduced the hosts ability to produce antibodies. Such victims with decreased ability to produce antibodies  began showing signs of acquired immune deficiency disorders or AIDS– It is hoped that the the molecular biologists working with these viruses have excluded this “accumulation “ property of the other retroviruses.Look up: Wikipedia- retroviruses.

Just 2 more remarks before closing this post/blog. A similar process of integration occurs in bacteria except that here the -provirus  is called a bacteriophage. The second point relates to prevention: Since before this inversion process can occur, the retrovirus first has to be present within the cytoplasm of the host cell ,presumably  by direct penetration of the cell membrane. Research on studies to prevent this cell wall penetration may be less expensive and/or  time consuming than working on  vaccines. 

I leave that latter discussion  to future blogs and /or posts on my website. <> and/or <> 

A word of caution :Molecular  biologists quickly realized that retroviruses could be useful tools in adding new genes to the human DNA genome but  do run the risk of potentially creating new retrovirus pathogens.  Dr. Leonard Horowitz hasdetailed  some of these  possibilities and  dangers In his textbook Emerging Viruses  AIDS & Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional ?,

Since this inversion genetic process is permanent we should probably not  use blood  and/or other body fluids from such individuals for transfusions and other bodily fluid exchanges. Dr.S.B.Hrushovetz Mar 03/2020

Recent retrovirus pandemics

Recent Retrovirus pandemics.

In the last half century we have  witnessed  several  pandemics caused by these retroviruses , viz, ,swine influenza ( during First world war), HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Sars and in 2020- Corona.  These RNA viruses “…insert a copy of their own  genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades thus changing the genome of that host cell”  To do this inversion process, retroviruses use their own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its own RNA genome . This new retroviral DNA- called a provirus– is incorporated into the host cell DNA genome with a intergrade enzyme

However before a RNA virus can do this conversion it must  first gain entrance into the human cell cytoplasm- usually a T4 thymus (helper ) cell.  

Although retroviruses may be useful tools in adding new genes to your DNA genome they do run the risk of potentially creating new retrovirus pathogens.-. 

Are the contents of our dreams of prognostic value

For the past few years most of my dreams seem to follow the same theme or pattern. I find myself in rather unique predicaments. I may find myself at some convention or meeting other meeting place where I find myself in a predicament that I have to make a sudden decision- like give a talk at a convention, meet someone, or have to catch a train, or make a financial decision, I feel there always seems to be some urgency as there is usually some authority checking theme that I have left to make this decision. Although I usually am not in any panic mode most of these dreams come to an abrupt end as I usually awaken from them.

I try to analyze these dreams and often go back to my academic experience with the Winnipeg Clinic. For the viewers this was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. To review briefly after just 4 years of research with the Dept of Cancer Research at the university of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon I accepted a position with the Winnipeg Cliic to set up a private research Lab at their clinic and I would be the medical doctor. As the saying goes “I was given an offer I could not refuse.

Some new biomarkers of aging

I just browsed Ward Dean’s book entitled Biological aging measurement If the reader turns to Chapter 8 beginning on page 72  you can see  data from the University of South Wales on 6 parameters-  beginning with BUN (blood urea nitrogen), FEV1,(forced vital capacity ), SBP (systolic blood pressure), AP (alkaline phosphatase), ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ), and  Cholesterol in mg/100 ml. They compare the values from people of different biological ages.

Although it is somewhat difficult to compare the values, it appear that the values are different from differant age groups . It may be that when a doctor finds an elevated value he should be aware that they may just indicate that the  natural aging process of that individual  is more advanced than others for that chronological age group- just like you see some people who have more facial wrinkles than others off the same chronological age group.

Coenzyme Q 10 -Another biomarker of the aging process

For details of this finding the reader should consult the latest publication (Oct 2018) of there Life extension magazine where they discuss this natural product known scientifically as ubiquinone.   As with all of their products their disclaimer would also be read.Here it is :”These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and D Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease ”

Briefly as we age – like with the natural steroid hormone DHEA the level of this product in our blood falls markedly as we  age with levels dropping  to less than 20 % of that found during our adolescence period. They also recommend using only ubiquinol and not ubiquinone and that one should use the a natural derivative  product to increase absorption.For more  details on usage and dosage supplementation  read their instructions including of course their disclaimer.