What do we do when we dont have a vaccine. As mentioned in my introductory pages document the virologists basically have 2 obvious strategies available for prevention of infections and/or pandemics and AIDS We can prevent the virus from entering the cell- for such RNA retrovirus its specifically from penetrating the cell wall of human CT4 lymphocyte.
- ART medical treatment. Virologists currently use this procedure to prevent the development of AIDS-Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome for HIV –
***************************************************************************************************PrHere are more details on these 2 methods which I mentioned in my introductory pages document.
in item 2 and 3.entitled event cell penetration
- protein coat of virus
- use of time lapse cine photomicrography Like the Sage time lapse unit which I have used
ART medical treatment still the only treatment available since we still don’t have a vaccine for HIV- The treatment reduces the level of the virus in the patient so they no longer have AIDS- Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and/or cannot transmit infection to partners.
* Note: I have already briefly mention these 2 procedures in my introduction**
One way to study the process of penetration of the host cell by the virus is to use time lapse cine photo microscopy When I was invited by Dr. P. Thorlakson of the Winnipeg Clinic in 1965 to set up at their Clinic a private research Laboratory we purchased a Sage time lapse photo microscopic apparatus to study the cell behaviour of human cells grown in tissue culture. I was familiar with blastogenesis- the process of cell division following the addition of phytoaggultin to the blood culture .-the procedure that cytogeneticist use to perform chromosomal analysis.- indeed I was the first cell biologist in Winnipeg to establish a private cytogenetic lab in Western Canada- called Western Cytpoogenetic Laboratory. I also established and directed this service for the Winnipeg Clinic. I wrote an article for the Manitoba Medical Review1968 entitled Lymphocyte Transformation Reaction which lists some of the clinical applications of blastogenesis.The technique I used to study this cellular behaviour was rather simple. Blood was drawn by venepucture into a heparized syringe, a portion. was centrifuged at slow speeds to separate the RBC from the serum. From the buffy coat present at the junction of the RBC layer and the serum a portion of this was taken with a pipette and a drop of it was placed in special microscope cells which had a well ( hollowed out area ).Enough contents was placed to fill the well, than a coverslip was carefully added so no air was trapped. The slide was now ready for study. The Sage time lapse unit has a microscope clamped down to the desk surface.and the top, microscope with attached movie camera including the plastic covering Holes in plastic covering are present to insert your arms when viewing and adjusting the mechanical stage which holds the microscope slide. A plastic cover for the microscope has a small heater to kept everything at body temperature.
Phase contrast photomicroscopy was used for most of the studies. Movies were either B & W and/or color 16 mm and most were time lapse- with photos snapped ever half minute. An adapter on the movie camera allowed to attach a 400 mm roll of film.
I should mention that after the Winnipeg Clinic laboratory dissolved in 1968 and the equipment was given to the anatomy department of the U of M medical school. When I set up my own private research lab to study cellular aging in 1974called the Kildonan Institute of Gerontology, I was able to use it on loan for over 15 years. Indeed most of the 10,000 feet of movie film- mainly in color which I have in my archives were taken at the Kildonan Institute of Gerontology .
In 1994 the Time lapse unit was returned to the university- actually it was transferred (donated ) to the St. Boniface Research lab
together with several of my private microscopes and other research equipment valued at over $48,000.00 to the St. Boniface Hospital Research Foundation (Ref Dr. John Forester )